Starries Web Pacifier

by - August 23, 2022


I've been thinking about creating a "Baby Must Have" list with some items that I think are really interesting and cool to have. So let's go! 
The first item on my list is the Web Pacifier by Starries that fits any avatar!

  • Price: Web Pacifier is completely free at Starries Inworld store and costs 1L$ on marketplace.
  • Includes: a pacifier, theme swap hud, a matching theme backpack with extra accessories inside.
  • Extras Acessories: pacifier clip, textures to create your own theme, decorative item (pacifier inside an emergency box, super cute!) and a theme applicator to include within your outfits creations if you are a creator.

What makes this pacifier an amazing item is its fully web-based integration. You have access to your pacifier profile by a web page where you can change the theme anytime completely free of charge, you get access to a thousand different themes made by other users, you can favorite different themes and have it added to your favorite list for later easy change and just for fun you can also have a count of how many times you have sucked on your pacifier! Plus you and your parents/friends can remove it from your mouth with a simple click! 

let's delve a little deeper!


When you first click on your pacifier you get the following pop-up:

Spit out: the pacifier in your mouth will become transparent and all animations will be stopped, if you are using the pacifier clip, the clip will become visible giving the effect that you have simply taken the pacifier out of your mouth and now it is hanging on your clothes. :) 
(if your clip is not changing please read the settings info below)

Suckle: The pacifier has two types of sucks, the classic and the bento. Classic Suck just moves the pacifier foward and backward, perfectly for non bento or non human heads. Bento Suck includes animations for the lips accompanying the movement of the pacifier. Both includes the second option to suck silently or with a suck sound which you can customize the volume. 
If you are already sucking your pacifier, clicking this button will stop the suck.

[Starries]: Here you can find information about the Starries store.

Themes: You can access some quick lists here, for example: Most Liked (by the community), Popular Themes, New Themes, Featured Themes, Liked Themes (the ones you liked), My Themes and Make Theme button (which will direct you to the web page).

Settings: you have access to all your pacifier settings. 

    - Paci size: allows you to change the size of the pacifier to better fit your avatar.
    - Strap: you choose whether you want your pacifier clip to always be visible or only when you or others click 'Spit Out' to remove the pacifier from your mouth
    - Web Settings: will direct you to the web page
    - Security: who can remove or put your pacifier in your mouth
(a funny thing about this is that when someone outside of your list clicks on your pacifier, you get a popup asking what you want to do: let the person take the pacifier, hold the pacifier, start crying or have a tantrum haha)
    - Paci Position: pre-made positions for most popular avatar sizes
    - Gem Shape: It's the decorative shape on the pacifier ring, you can choose a star, a heart or none.
    - Chat: changes the local chat from your pacifier. local (just for you), whispers and normal.
    - Parents: here you add your parents and friends, people who can acess your pacifier freely.
    - Gender: with gender selection you can customize the pacifier messages or you can leave it a none.
    - Easy Click: you can remove or add back the big invisible box around your pacifier. Its super useful when it stars to get in the way while trying to edit something else on your head.
    - Sounds: here you can configure the suck sound volume.

My Paci Page: will direct you to your pacifier profile web page.


This is where you'll find the extra items, when you click on your backpack you will have the option to sync the theme with your pacifier and the same theme options on the pacifier.
Ps. In addition to using as an accessory, you can also use it as a decorative item as it only has 2Li!

That is the ICOE Pacifier, the cutest emergency box ever! It has only 2Li and when you click on it you get a menu with a list of your favorite themes to apply to your pacifier.

Pacifier Clip

So cute isn't it? The pacifier clip automatically syncs with your pacifier theme, clicking on it gives you the option to change its size. The others settings are accessed through the pacifier only.

Web Page

The website is practically a social network, you can comment on themes you like, create and share your own themes (or keep it private only for you) and of course stay up to date with the recent users activities and news about starries products.

To create your profile is very simple, in your first access you will have the option to create a profile, the store bot will send you an IM to confirm your inworld avatar name and you just have to copy and paste the received code on the web page where it is asked, pick a password and you are done! 

You can also use the pacifier without having a profile, but some options might not be available.

The web page is very intuitive, you can browse through all the theme options, search for a specific theme such as a color or an animal and have a quick acess on your pacifier profile, settings and themes!

If you are interested in how to create your own theme, I recommend that you follow the instructions on the site itself, I guarantee it's not complicated! Maybe one day I'll create my own theme and post the details here 😊


Pacifier - Starries - Web Pacifier (Theme:  Rainbow Bebe by Brea Bunny)
Head - ToddleeDoo - Opal
Ears - Cute Bytes/ToddleeDoo - Precious Babyring Ears NAKED (at the discounted store)
Skin - Pity Party - Cece Milk Tone
Eyes - Gloom - Focus
Blush & Highlight - Muriel - Amalie Subtle
Cheek Veins - DudaDreams Originals - Veins on Cheeks Opal
Hair&HairClip - BABY HEAD - Lilly
Hair Lil Ponytail - EMO-tions - BabyBoy/BabyGirl Hair (EDITED details on the link below)


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